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We are 7419 - TECH Support

Tech Support is way more than robots. We solve problems. We help people. We’re a family. We’ve done many great things and look forward to many more in the future.


About Team 7419

Team 7419 is a dedicated group of high school students who design, build, and program competitive robots for the FIRST Robotics Competition. Our talented programmers utilize Java to code complex behaviors and autonomous routines that allow our robots to complete tasks during matches. The programming subteam has developed internal websites like a scouting system to collect match data and an hours logging system to track member participation. On the mechanical side, we utilize computer numerical control (CNC) machines and manual mills to fabricate custom robot parts from metal and other materials. Our electrical team incorporates control systems, sensors, pneumatics, and wiring harnesses to make the robot functional. The collaboration between programming and hardware allows us to create innovative robots ready for intense on-field challenges. While we are a dedicated group of high school students, our members have grown tremendously in their engineering and problem-solving skills in just a few short seasons. We continue to learn and expand our capabilities with each new competition. Our team culture celebrates perseverance, camaraderie, and gracious professionalism.

QLS Robotics


Lego League

Teams we founded/mentor: 39742 QLS MiniBytes, 39789 QLS MegaBytes, 47622 QLS CloudBots, 63582 QLS PoppeBots, 63583 QLS HopperBots, 63308 QLS 5-G, 64080 QLS Creators, and 47621 QLS FlashBots



Tech Challenge

Teams we founded/mentor: 5214 "B.R.O.", 11920 QLS RaD Team, 14770 Control+Q, 15034 HotsBots, 23836 QLS Glitch, and 23808 Innovix. HotsBots and Innovix are both all-girls teams that represent the Society of Women Engineers chapter at the Quarry Lane School.



Robotics Competition

FRC Team 7419 is almost entirely made up of FLL/FTC alumni, in particular from FTC teams 5214, 11920, and 14770. By mentoring our 14 younger FIRST teams, we promote STEM education through all age levels at our school, and create a sustainable generational system of robotics, as many of our FLL/FTC students go on to join T.E.C.H. Support.

Our Values


Our team is mentor driven but student organized. We help train, elevate, and support each other while holding ourselves accountable.


Also... Robots

We support our community by sharing our knowledge, mentoring younger students, and getting kids excited about STEM through our outreach program.

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