2024 Robot: Stereo
Drivetrain and Functionality
WCP Swerve X Flipped, Cycle Time Approx 9s, Currently shooting speaker and amp (no hanger currently), Auton: 1 or 2 note and taxi (working on 3 note)
3 sets of flywheels
Run on two neos
Angle actuator
Run by a neo on a 75:1 reduction
Hardstop to stay within frame perimeter as well as to be able to get shooter up to speed before arriving to score
Run by a neo
Beambreak stops the note from getting stuck in the dead zone of the robot
Shooting mechanism
Run by two neo vortexes
4 wheels on each side
2 top 2 bottom
Found it was a lot more consistent to shoot with wheels on the outside rather than the whole way through
Flywheels get up to a max speed of 3000 RPM
31.5 x 28.5 “, Weight
73.8 lbs